Submitted by raprot on Thu, 04/28/2005 - 05:08.
Teleport Scrolls:
- Introduction
- Teleport-Altep
- Teleport-Dem
- Teleport-Holla
- Teleport-Mea
- Teleport-Yhoat
- Teleport-Vahzl
When WHMs enter into their 30s they generally have their eyes glued to one thing: teleportation scrolls. These little babies are not only incredibly useful and party-movers, but they also become the primary source of income for WHMs. Now, even though WHMs are the only jobs that can take advantage of these scrolls, every other job can still quest for them. Why waste time and energy on a useless quest? The easy gil they make at the AH, my friend. All of them range in price due to their inherent difficulty to get, but they generally fall between 60k to 150k each.
In this Guide I will explain exactly where to begin the teleport quests and how to follow through with them.
NOTE: My assumption for everyone following this guide is that they are not currently high enough to survive in these dungeons without agro. If you know that your level is safe in these dungeons, then by all means use that job.
Otherwise you should change into one of your lowest level jobs, preferably 15 or higher. This allows you to use a chocobo as well as save you from a lot of experience loss. On every one of these quests you should expect to die once you’ve found your key item. You can bring a warping device with, but may never get to use it given that the ???’s are normally located in populated areas. You can consider using flee if you are a THF, but also consider the distance to the nearest exit and the consequences of MPKing parties at the exit with your links.
Quest - The Missing Piece
Begin this quest by speaking with the 'quest starter'. His name is
Alfesar and is located next to the watering hole in Rabao.
He will ask you to retrieve an Ancient Tablet Fragment from the Quicksand Caves. Now it's time to prepare for the trek. For every teleport quest I suggest purchasing/making a stack of Prism Powder and a stack of Sneak Oil. Head over to the Nomad Moogles and change your job. Head over to the Home Point Crystal and set yourself to Rabao. Now grab a chocobo or walk into the Eastern Altepa Desert. The map of the Kuzotz Region can be purchased from Ashu Bolkhomo who is located at K-7 in Rabao for 3000 gil.

On the eastern edge of the map, before the entrance to Korroloka Tunnel, there is an entrance to the Quicksand Caves. It is located specifically at K-7. Enter here. Once you’re in walk down the hallway until you see your first mobs. At this point you will want to use your invis and sneak. Before doing so, review these maps and prepare to run to the ??? spawn points quickly.
Spawn Locations: H-6, H-10, E-9

Spawn Locations: C-9, L-11

To the best of my knowledge the ???’s rotate between all 5 of these points and there isn’t a lag time between the next respawn. The run to these locations can be rather far, especially for the second map, so locate the nearest hiding spaces to recast your invis and sneak. You’ll probably be going into this dungeon blind (the map comes from the first coffer you open) so print out this guide, draw a sketch of it, or make a mental map.
Once you’ve found your ???, drop invis and click on it. Now you have obtained your key item. Head back to Rabao (bloodport, warp, flee, etc.) and speak with Alfesar again. He will send you to the Cathedral in San d’Oria to retrieve your scroll from Charlaimagnat. It will take 24 earth hours before you can retrieve it once you have spoken to him.
Quest - Altana's Sorrow
Begin this quest by speaking with the 'quest starter'. His name is
Virnage and is located in the Bat's Lair Inn at I-5, Bastok Mines.
He will ask you to retrieve a bucket of Divine Paint from Garliage Citadel. Grab your stacks of Prism Powder and Sneak Oil, change your job, and lets head out. The map for Garliage can be purchased from
Promurouve in Lower Jeuno at H-7 for 3000 gil. Once you've made it to Garliage Citadel it will look like this:

On the map you'll see a blue line pointing directly to the ??? for the paint at H-8. It's in one of the rooms. This should be the easiest teleport quest to do. The problem arises when you lose invis to touch the ???. There are two skeletons that normally spawn in this room and they will agro you. If they do, I would suggest taking the death graciously. If you run for the exit, you'll take your skeletons right into the middle of leveling PTs. Trust me when I say that your rep will never be quite the same after that.
Finally head back to Bastok to talk to Virnage. He'll send you to the Cathedral in San d'Oria to talk to Eperdur. You'll get your scroll as soon as you talk to him.
Quest - Healing the Land
Begin this quest by speaking with the 'quest starter'. His name is
Eperdur and he is located in the Cathedral in Northern San d'Oria at M-7.
He asks you to seal off the source of evil in the basement of the Gusgen Mines by replacing the Banishing Seal. Head out to the Gusgen Mines, which are connected to the Konschtat Highlands. You get the map of Gusgen from 'A Foreman's Best Friend' quest in Port Bastok.
Once you arrive, head north to the staircase and walk down. In front of you will be a wall of three gates each with their own lever. Choose the gate to the far left, marked on the map as A.

Now you will find yourself in the next mapped area:

Head in and follow the west wall all the way to the very top. On the map you will see it curve to point G. This will bring you to the basement and your final location:

There are two triple question mark locations in the final cave. The one for Teleport-Holla is marked on the map directly on your left as you enter and connected to the inside of a wooden shack.
Finally find your way back to Eperdur in Northern San d'Oria to get receive your scroll.
Quest - Acting In Good Faith
Begin this quest by speaking with the 'quest starter'. His name is
Gantineux and he is located above the Rarab Tail Hostelry in the northern part of Windurst Waters at E-10. He will ask you to take his "Spirit Incense" to a dimly lit candle in Eldieme Necropolis and attempt to appease the spirits of the dead. The map of Eldieme can be purchased from
Promurouve in Lower Jeuno at H-7 for 3000 gil.
This is where the quest becomes complicated. There are four possible candles with spawn points in Eldieme Necropolis. Three can be reached by entering from the central part of Battalia Downs. The fourth candle is only reachable from northern Battalia Downs via Beaucedine Glacier. Only one spawn point exists at a time and it doesn't move until it is touched.
Entrance Locations: F-5, G-7, H-7, and I-6
(Numbers 2, 3, 5, and 7 on the map.)

Spawn Locations: D-5, I-7, I-10, and M-6

There is no way to run in without seeing a Marchosias (lvl 40-45) or two. Therefore it will be necessary to cast sneak on yourself once you get in. Most people routinely check the lower three entrances and ignore the northern one. Sooner or later it's bound to come back around.
Once you try to light the incense, it will fail to ignite. This is normal. Head back to Gantineux and he will be upset, but send you off to Eperdur. Eperdur will give your your final reward, the scroll of Teleport-Mea.
Quest - Missionary Man
Begin this quest by speaking with the 'quest starter'. His name is
Rauteinot and he is located near the exit of Kazham to the Yuhtunga Jungle at G-9. He will ask you to bring him a slab of Elshimo marble that is a rare drop off of Ivory Lizards (lvl 30-35). The map of the Elshimo Regions can be purchased from
Promurouve in Lower Jeuno at H-7 for 3000 gil.
Ivory Lizards can be found throughout Yuhtunga Jungle:

I spent my time killing in the tunnels at I-6 and I-8. It took me roughly an hour and a half (w/TH2) to get the drop. Many people have theories that the area you farm and even the weather (whether it's raining or not) have something to do with the drops. I tend to feel that this drop is very similar to that of the Carbuncle Ruby. There are multiple places the mob is located and all of them can possibly have the drop, but the areas with higher traffic tend to see the most drops. My advice is to just head out and start killing. It makes for an adventurous afernoon.
Now begins the longest part of the quest. When you've gotten the drop, head back to Rauteinot and he will give you the key item 'Rauteinot's parcel' in exchange. Head off to San D'Oria and see Mulaujeant who is located at E-5 on the upper catwalk in Northern San d'Oria. After several RL hours (roughly 12 for me) he will give you the key item 'Sublime Statue of the Goddess'. Take this back to Rauteinot in Kazham. He will thank you for the statue and give you the Teleport-Yhoat scroll after Japanese midnight the next day.
Quest - Sorcery of the North
Begin this quest by speaking with the 'quest starter'. His name is
Eperdur and he is located in the Cathedral in Northern San d'Oria at M-7. He tells you that the magic used to teach mages how to teleport to the northlands has been lost and asks you to search for it. You need to head to Fei'Yin and open up the first treasure chest you see that will grant you the key item 'Lost Magic Tome'. You get the map of Fei'Yin from 'A Smudge on One's Record' quest in Windurst Waters.
Treasure Chest keys drop from the Shadows (lvl 44-46) and Ore Golems (lvl 43-45) in Fei'Yin. I primarily farmed Shadows on the east side of the first floor of Fei'Yin, between J-6 and J-10:

Once you've gotten a key or plan to pick the lock as a THF, the chest spawn locations are found all over the first floor and are denoted by blue dots in the map above. After obtaining the tome bring it back to Eperdur and he will reward you with the Teleport-Vahzl Scroll.
Great guide Trix! Thanks for this :-D
Vis Maior's Journeys
I dont know if I missed it but how much fame should I have to do these. >< I have an average of level 3 fame in every nation so I wanna know how much to raise it.