Submitted by Tamara on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 17:26.
ClanAM COP WeekOf July 2nd. In the USA this is a Holiday Week, so my expectations for accomplishments are low =^_^=
Tuesday, July 3rd, 10PM Eastern; Avayr is leading a make-up session for the Mithra, 3 Trackers, Fight. If Avayr is not online I will lead
Friday, July 6th, 10:45PM Eastern; I am leading a SNOLL FIGHT (you need several Salts)
Tuesday, July 10th, 10PM Eastern; make-up TRACKER FIGHT session (no guarantee of fight if not enough people show up)
Friday, July 13th, 10:15PM Eastern; make-up Fight, this fight will be one of the fights from Three Paths
Friday, July 13th (late, late, late Friday night) 12:30AM Eastern on Saturday morning; make-up Fight, this fight will be one of the fights from Three Paths
Mine Shaft #2716 has a five day restriction on re-entry if you do the ENM60 while there; since I need people for potential future fights we will NOT be doing any ENM's. Sorry.
ClanAM CoP July 6th
ClanAM CoP July 6th is modified
There will be one mission run at 10:45pm and it will be a SNOLL FIGHT ONLY. This is the July 4th Snoll Fight which did not happen.
Tuesday, July 10th is TRACKER FIGHT ONLY (if anyone logs on, on Tuesday evening, who needs this).
Friday July 13th there will be two make-up mission runs. At the end of the night I will take stock of who is ready to move on with CoP and who got left behind. People I am a bit wary of, who seem to have 'issues' in life:
Meretrix (vacation)
Avayr (dead game)
Drifter (unknown)
We had ELEVEN, adding MERETRIX would have made TWELVE, subtract these FOUR and we are down to EIGHT active participants at the current moment in time.
Snoll Fight allows six
Snoll Fight allows six inside. Eight active CoP participants. We do not actually need a tank. We do need 2hrs, however. Eight does not divide well by six.
If you have to go to sleep 'early' because of a Saturday job you get priority for entering the 10:45pm fight. Right now I think that means for the 10:45pm fight:
Tamara as SMN/WHM
Janoric as BLU
Kamustaka as...
Rakion as MNK
plus one more
For those who WANT the Snoll Fight and can stay online until 12:45am - there may be a second Snoll Fight. Maybe.
My copy of ffxi has been destroyed... literally. I am unsure if/when I will return to Vanadiel. I will try my best to return ASAP. To all my friends, Thank you for all the great times and grand adventures. - Avayr
PS. If any of you see Argos or Wythren, please explain to them my situation. Thank you.
Good Luck
Good Luck, Avayr - wherever your adventures take you.
FFXI is a subscription MMORPG, your account is still alive, it consists of an eight character identifier ABCD1234 and a password. For Guild Wars that is all you need, since the client can be downloaded again and again.
If your FFXI game was destroyed by fire or rabid SO it seems from my experience, with a PC in a different city, you would have to re-purchase and re-install:
base FFXI game (w/ Zilart)
Chains of Promathia
Treasures of Aht Urhgan
then tell this new installed game on different platform what your existing account is/was.
Don't know that you want to re-spend those funds.
Can I sell off this Scorpion Ring I bought for your Ranger?
I will be back...
my disc was um... broken in a heated arguement with the m.b. I will return. (save my ring ^^) most likely to return on the PC because the game is only $20 for the compillation.. LOL.
The Xbox version is also only $20 now (if you can find it) and if you know anyone in the area that plays also on the computer all you have to do is "Borrow" their copy of the game. Because all you need is the program and not the code to make a new account. I have this for 1. comp 2. PS2 3. Xbox 360. For the Comp you do not have to have the disks to start the game or even play it like you do on Xbox. So if you know someone that has them on comp you can just borrow them and put it on your comp then give it back to them. and look on the bright side of things. She only broke the disk. She could have broke the box too. so I would rather spend $20 than another $400.
That was me who said she
That was me who said she broke the game and the xbox, Darkkit, having caught Avayr staying up late trying to get a bow. I don't really know who broke what, when! LOL!
Cause I don't think Avayr would really do it himself.
Snow Lilies
I just wanted to add that getting to the Moblin Fight is pricey enough (you need a snow lily) and then you have to go BACK for a final CS! So we did this fight tonight and were running out of Snow Lilies and none to be had at the Auction House.
Folks who need this fight you should farm THREE snow lilies in advance - two for yourself and one for the person who has this fight done, but is going to show up to help you fight Moblins.
snow lilies
Well actually you will need to return to the mine shaft later in CoP for another cutscene. So you might wanna get an extra one for later. I probably would be at the Tenzen fight right now if I had had an extra. ><
July 4th is a Holiday
July 4th is a day off in the US. If you will be playing FFXI on July 4th and are part of my Friday Team, post here (or tell me in-game) if are interested in doing a CoP Three Paths Mission Fight that day.
Possible Fight would be any one of the Three Paths Fights. Since fireworks are typically in the evening I would expect the fight would likely take place around 3:30PM Eastern with "gather together" starting at 2:30PM Eastern. The idea being we enter the fight at 3:30PM, not still traveling to the fight.
July 4th Fight
People seem to be reading this board, though they do not always comment here - they comment in the game. Since the 4th is drawing near I am going to plan this:
We will try to ENTER the fight at 3:30PM Eastern in the cold north.
If interested you need to try to prepare for this fight. I will try to take five folks that show up with me into the fight. So far Darkkit seems interested (don't know if she can make this time though) and Tableandchairs feels he can be there.
If no tank I am still going to try to do this fight, the goal is to kill the thing fast and I can switch between WHM and SMN, so if no tank I may just go Healer and try to keep everyone alive for 60 seconds even if I get Hate.
Im in
I'll be there for the 7/4/2007 snoll fight!