Submitted by sam on Sun, 11/13/2005 - 19:11.
Just wanted to post the results from the Garrison on Friday night. All told we did 7 Garrisons (6 successful, 1 failure). Read on for the participation lists as well as an initial guesstimate for how much the pool is worth....
Garrison Participation
As I said, we had 7 Garrisons. Here is the list of people participating by each Garrison (please help me ensure I have everyone's names spelled correctly--- bold is party leaders):
- Garrison #1
- Avatarx
- Tamara
- Beppop
- Noot
- Martamay
- Nelsh (kiter's BLM for sleep)
- Meretrix (kiter for the evening)
- Malkier
- Maior
- Vervane
- Shadowfox
- Kitchel
- Lulou
- Garrisons #2, #3, #4
- Avatarx
- Tamara
- Beppop
- Noot
- Martamay
- Maior
- Vervane
- Shadowfox
- Kitchel
- Lulou
- Tinacat
- Garrison #5
- Avatarx
- Tamara
- Beppop
- Martamay
- Nelsh
- Meretrix
- Malkier
- Noot
- Loubu
- Kitchel
- Maior
- Shadowfox
- Lulou
- Neomagus
- Vervane
- Garrisons #6 (failed) and #7 (succeeded)
- Meretrix
- Malkier
- Noot
- Loubu
- Nelsh
- Milotheshort
- Maior
- Shadowfox
- Lulou
- Neomagus
- Vervane
From this, we have the following grouping:
- Group #1 - People there for all 6 successful Garrisons:
Avatarx, Tamara, Beppop, Noot, Nelsh, Meretrix, Malkier, Maior, Vervane, Shadowfox, Lulou
- Group #2 - People there for 5 successful Garrisons:
Martamay, Kitchel
- Group #3 - People there for 3 successful Garrisons:
- Group #4 - People there for 2 successful Garrisons:
Loubu, Neomagus
- Group #5 - People there for 1 successful Garrison:
The Pool
The pool for the night consisted of the following drops (along with their estimates*):
Item |
# of Drops |
Estimated Value |
Military Axe |
2 |
~120K each |
Military Gun |
1 |
~100K each |
Military Spear |
3 |
~30K each |
Military Pole |
3 |
~10K each |
Military Harp |
1 |
~400K each |
Military Pick |
1 |
~400K each |
Total Estimated Value of Pool |
~1,200,000 gil |
* Note: This is based on estimates from the current AH prices for each of these items. The final sales figures may vary and will also include things like AH taxes.
I am currently selling this pool off. I will keep you all posted as to the final numbers
What about your presentation?
Because I have had several questions already about my presentation I gave on Saturday, I'll answer them generally here. The presentation went well enough, except we had one or two problems at the end (mostly because we had several students who weren't at the same level of understanding as the others and I had to slow down on certain steps for them, which complicated things). If you are curious, the entire presentation is available online here.
This coming Saturday
I would like to know, please, if the proposed Minotaur fight is on for this coming Saturday. If so I need to level my sub-job in place of other fun Vana'diel activites. =^_^=
I don't know
Honestly, I don't know right now. This weekend my wife and I were planning a trip to Chicago... however, we're not sure if we will have a conflict on Sunday with it or not. So, right now my weekend is up in the air.
You know, we don't need to do the Aqueducts on the weekend, we could try a weeknight instead. The key is to figure out a night everyone can do.
Vis Maior's Journeys
as an observation...
As an observation it seems many of the Clan's successful parties get started with Thersites, Maior, Avatarx and Raytien present - can just those four players still play on any given night? Or are there too many new commitments?
I suppose for a Minotaur fight I could be available any night except Wednesday.
I'm just going to go ahead and level my poor SMN for my future WHM44/SMN22. I should be working towards spending Garrison Gil on winning SMN 20 Avatar Fights anyway! =^_^=
Bon Voyage
Bah! You're only saying those four make for successful parties because they're in the ENM club. Elitists!
As for days and times (why didn't Sam make a poll for this?) I'm not available on Friday night. I'll be at a CD release party after I frequent the bar and see my grad buddies. Saturday, I'll be seeing Hairy Potter 4 of course. Sunday late afternoon/evening works best for me. Heck, maybe evening a morning run.
Ok, I've said my piece...where's the catnip...

Poll for times
Well, first of all, I did make a poll for it once...

But more importantly, if you didn't skim you'd read that I was going to be out of town Saturday and back sometime early Sunday, which greatly limitted the times I could lead this sort of thing up :-P
But it looks like Sunday afternoon is the winner. See the time, I've updated it. Unfortunately, I am very inflexible on Sundays as far as time for events is concerned, because I always have early meetings the next morning at work (and I am now in the Eastern time zone). In other words, if anyone wants me to head up a Sunday event (and I've been asked to do this Aqueducts trip for a while now) everyone kind of has to just deal with my time constraints :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
Delay for One Week?
I am ready to face the Minotaur.
From all the comments I have read it seems though this would best be delayed one week (unless Clan members are going to be dragged by their parents off on Christmas Shopping Trips).
Thersites Can Play This Weekend
My weekends are somewhat unpredicable. But I can play this Saturday and Sunday (Nov. 19 & 20). Weeknights (except Tuesdays) are usually good after 5PM PST. I'm planning to come as Warrior for the next CoP mission.
Right now, I'm thinking of Friday this week, if it jives with everyone else.
It looks very likely we will be going to Chicago this weekend, so there is little chance I'll be able to do anything on Saturday or Sunday.
Vis Maior's Journeys